Never Pay Full Price for Fuel Again!

Every Purchase Gets Rewarded

Receive points for every qualifying purchase with Stop & Shop Gas Rewards.* Get 10¢ off per gallon for every 100 points.


Save up to $1.50/gal

You get 1 point for every dollar you spend with your Stop & Shop Card. Save 10¢ per gallon for every 100 points you receive. Points are valid for 30 days. Terms and Conditions apply


Now, save even more

Earn additional rewards when you dine out, book travel and more through Fuel Rewards program participants. Plus, gain access to exclusive offers. Terms and Conditions apply

Get Started

  1. Register your Stop & Shop Card online or sign in to track your available rewards.
  2. Create a new or link an existing Fuel Rewards account through your Fuel Rewards card in your Stop & Shop on-line account. [OPTIONAL]
  3. Redeem your savings at a Stop & Shop or participating Shell station.
*Some restrictions apply. Discount is good for one vehicle fill-up, 20-gallon maximum. All trademarks are property of their respective owners.